Saturday, 25 October 2008

Train Spotting

If you thought being interested in trains was for, well, weird men who carry flasks and notebooks then take a look at these fancy trains. A while ago I saw a Pullman train (pictured above), it looked so fancy with it's traditional dining room carriages. I've had quite an interest in fancy trains in the past - The Orient Express, The Trans Siberian Railway and now I've discovered I can go on my very own Bond like adventure in South England (without the villains and fighting of course) on the Bluebell Railway. And it doesn't cost to much either.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Birds like Crumbs

Cute graffiti doesn't really fit in to the traditional British idea, however October is Nature Theme month and I just couldn't resist posting about these photos of sparrows I stumbled across near London Fields.

Deathly Foraging

I have been interested in foraging for food for a long time. I even went on an organised walk once which showed me how to get sap from trees. I know the basics - blackberries, wild garlic, spanish chestnuts but I dont know anything about the daunting subject of mushrooms. This brilliant article discusses the fears, sometimes deadly consiquences and terrifying possibility of picking mushrooms such as the 'death cap' alongside the joy of foraging through the woods all day. I'm not so keen on mushrooms and this definately hasn't won me over!

Monday, 20 October 2008

Jo Blaker A.K.A. The Winter Entertainments Club guest conker speaker, has set up her new blog for her brilliant and lovely conker products. So take a look and if you like what you see then you'd better snatch those goodies up - there aren't many left from her visit to the world conker championships.


Here's some photos of The October Meeting - Nature Theme. Thanks to everyone who came along on Thursday evening! It was a great night - I loved it. Also thanks to Jo and Erik for their brilliant talk about conkers (pictured). I believe there was quite a few bruises from the conker championships although everyone was happy thanks to the jam tarts and prizes. Do come again next month - third thursday at Bethnal Green Working Mens Club.

Saturday, 11 October 2008

'Bonkers about Conkers'

Jo Blaker and Erik Ehrrson are off to The World Conker Championships tomorrow. They'll be looking out for conker smashing techniques, prize winning conkers, and anything else that takes they're fancy as well as selling Jo's brilliant 'bonkers about conkers' t-shirts and bags. 

Lucky old us, we get to hear all about it  this Thursday at the October Meeting! 

Collecting Ladybirds

I bought this book about maps today at Broadway Market. I really liked the lady's stall. She sells vintage ladybird books, buttons and plastic handles. The books were really good. I think I might start collecting them when I see them at charity shops. The other two are books I hope to find. This website has a good catalogue of images from some of the books.

Monday, 6 October 2008

I believe they call it 'promoting'

I call it letting people know about your club. The poster for the October meeting is now on The Bethnal Green Working Mens Club site. Very exciting. Check it out. Also they've posted about it on their myspace site to.
I've been getting up to all sorts of preparations for the club. I'll be posting about them later so check back.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The Queen's Guard

I visited Buckingham Palace and St James' Park last weekend. I was thrilled by the amount of Queen's Guards I saw. I've looked at this article on wikapedia to try and actually understand the system of The Queen's Guards but it's just to complicated. Can anybody else make sense of it?
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