Monday, 15 December 2008

I'm a traditional stall holder.

Did the stall at FETE yesterday. Met some really lovely people. It was fun to be involved in something different and got to see some brilliant kids getting very excited about my tombola, splat the rat, and pin the tail on the donkey. Thanks to friends who called by and kept me company.

Happy 100th Birthday Alice

Last week it was my grandma's 100th birthday! We all went to Liverpool to celebrate. I find her such an inspiration when I think about all the things that she has seen and experienced. Britain has changed a lot, and been through a lot, in the last 100 years, and she's witnessed it all. She always manages to keep such a positive attitude and be in high spirits no matter what. Her attitude and her sence of humour must be whats kept her going to 100! Keep it up Grandma, Congratulations!

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Time Out Loves it.

The Fete we are taking part in on Sunday was listed on the Time Out's top ten christmas fairs. Quite exciting. Please do feel free to pop by and say hello as I'll be doing the stall on my own and it would be nice to see a friendly face.

12-6 The Old Boys Club

68 Boleyn Road
N16 8JG

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Tis the season to be jolly

The Winter Entertainments Club will be having a stall at FETE in Dalston this Sunday. We'll be playing games like pin the tale on the donkey and hopefully musical chairs. So please do come along to see what were up to. It'll be a little taster to get you in the mood for our Winter Party on the 17th! Hope to see you there

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Happy Advent Calendar

Here is the advent calendar I spent November making for Daniel. All the doors and boxes are collaged, it's got a lovely painted roof and there's lots of teeny tiny letters for Daniel. Here are some other nice advent calendars.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Party Games are in Vogue!

I was given this little book by a number of friends. It came free with the Guardian the other week. It's full of party games to play including a two page spread dedicated to Charades, the timeless classic. It's a good little reference so if you see it poking out of any recycling bins you should pinch it. I'll be referring to it for our Christmas Party!

Monday, 1 December 2008

Save the date - were having a party!

Just wanted to start telling everyone about what The Winter Entertainments Club has got planned for December. Well, not only have we got the usual club night which will be held on Wednesday the 17th of December, but also an extra event! The club will be having a stall at Dalston Fete on Sunday 14th December. But I'll tell you more about what I've got planned for that later. For now just cast your thoughts towards chrictmas decorations, party games, a table of party food by my friends at the ragged canteen (more about that later), and general christmas party fun.

Happy 1st December!

It's the first. Which means the first door on your advent calendar can be opened. I spent all of November making Daniel a rather elaborate calendar, which I will post pictures of in the next day or two. It's very colourful. I've got a few other posts planned for this week. I'll be telling you some things about our December theme. Christmas Party on the way!
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