Friday, 17 April 2009

Pretty Papers

Been working hard, printing and painting papers for children's projects. Gives me ideas for my own work. Daniel and I are planning to have an exhibition in early June, so I'd better get making. Got lots of ideas though.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

I was lucky

I got to see this robin's nest up close. The little pair of robins have been nesting in Pat and Peter's garden. Their bird expert friend told them they can sneak peeks for a few days whilst the birds eyes are closed, but once open, the birds may jump out the nest with freight! I was lucky enough to be visiting during the closed eyes period. They were opening their mouthes to be fed. Cute! Cute!

Monday, 6 April 2009

Let me explain...

I've been a little busy. My friend Matt from Chicago came to stay. Daniel and I moved house and have been unpacking all week. Below; with Matt looking at the river, which has been drained in St James Park, Daniel's packing, Saying goodbye to the friendly faces in my flat, Taking on the kitchen and Managing to find the time for tea and homemade Easter Nests.

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