Monday, 27 July 2009

Two little days

Even in the long summer days those two little gems which come after Friday never seem to last long enough. I never seem to do evrything I want. However, this weekend I managed to;
go for drinks at Somerset House
Go for a long walk round Richmond Park as part of my 'visit all the Royal Parks'

and I even managed to fit in some making for a new little project of mine (all to be revealed soon).
A very satisfactory weekend I must say.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Love music

I've released a 7"
Side A 'Lets Go Dancing'
Side B 'Fuck This I Just Want to Dance'
Daniel made it for my birthday. Isn't it wonderful!
It reminds me of this.

Mending, fixing, dancing!

It was my birthday recently. As a gift, Hatty stole a pair of my shoes (with the help of Daniel). She then spent rather along time fixing them. They had completely fallen apart - there was holes in the soles, the leather had come unwoven, the heels completely worn out and she made them look brand new. I'm so very pleased! Talk about make do and mend! The top picture is a card she made me from her shoe fixing packaging ; )

Thursday, 23 July 2009

1940s Victoriana

I found this charming little book whilst clearing out. It was printed in 1947.
This pull out print was inside, I think I'll put it in a frame. The colours are brilliant.

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